Prince of Peace is a congregation reaching out to the community through Christ openly sharing its Faith, Love, and Care for ALL God's People
Prince of Peace Church is a congregation of Christian believers located just one mile off the beltway on Philadelphia Road. Since 1928, our congregation has been serving and worshipping God in Rosedale. Our mission has always been to reach out in service and love to All God's People.
Historically understanding ourselves as a “Lutheran” congregation, we realize our relationship with God as grounded in the love and grace found in Christ Jesus. We hear God’s Gospel message as a transformative, inclusive call of forgiveness and hope to a weary world. The congregation takes this message and shares its ministry and programs as a way to welcome All of God’s People.
If you have any questions or are curious about our congregation, the church, or the Christian faith, please feel free to contact us. We are always ready to share the Good News of God that has come into the world.
Welcome to Prince of Peace!