DayTimers@Prince of Peace
The Daytimers were established in 2000, with the approval of the church council, for adult members of Prince of Peace as well as non- members from the surrounding communities. The group enjoys a healthy membership of about 105 men and women and meets the first Tuesday of each month. It is suggested that members bring their lunch to our get-togethers and we offer beverages and dessert. Our start time is usually 11:30 am.
Speakers and entertainment are frequently the highlight of the gatherings. And, at various times during the year, we have: an ice cream social, an OctoberFest, and visits to local restaurants, in addition to our bus trips. All of these events are well-attended and provide opportunities for fun and fellowship.
There is no charge for membership in our group, but there is a charge for some of the activities. Careful planning and consideration of all suggestions from members usually result in a great line-up of events that are priced to be affordable for folks.
For more information about Daytimers and their upcoming schedule of events contact Joan Conway at 410-866-8766. And check the Daytimers activities listed on our church calendar.